
Discovering the Mysteries of the Kingdom #6: “Discovering the Secret of Living an Empowered Life” Part 2

Series:  Discovering the Mysteries of the Kingdom

Message #6: “Discovering the Secret of Living an Empowered Life”  Part 2

Michael Wadlow

In this message in this message we review Jn 14, and address that faith connects us to righteousness, and Michael proposes that all of the Kingdom flows through righteousness. We also address the fact that righteousness cannot be separated from Love, and that righteousness, love and justice are always together in the Kingdom of Heaven...Walking in love is righteousness and results in justice and restoration.

Life group questions: 
1) Do you agree that Righteousness and Love cannot be separated in the Kingdom? How do we see this in the life of Jesus?
2) Is it true that we have become righteousness in Christ by faith? Tell us what that means for how you see yourself.
3) Can there be Righteousness and Love without Justice? or Righteousness and Justice without Love from Heavens' point of view?