
From the desk of Andrew Burchett...

We exist as a church to help people experience and share the life to the fullest that Jesus came to give us.  It is our heart to be a people who burn with a love for God and for others that will be contagious and seen in every area of our lives: home, work, the coffee shop, social events and even when we are on vacation.  We are a people who are learning to pray and seek God first, then to look to see where God is working and bringing His solutions.  We believe that God still heals us today, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially and relationally.  As the people of God, we are His church. 

While you may agree with all these things, do you ever feel like you’re on the outside looking in?  Perhaps you have felt like everyone else is clear on where their lives are going, but you are still in the fog?  Have you been secretly hoping that someone will come up to you, give you a word from God about the path you are supposed to take in life – and then you can just follow the marching orders?  You might even be middle aged or older and you wonder if you have missed your opportunity to step into what God has created you for…

If any of these things are familiar or true, then you need to strongly consider attending our Focused Living Workshop in September.   We will take a Friday evening and a Saturday daytime time frame to do a bit of teaching about how God helps us get clear about what He has created us for, and how to put into words what your future might start looking like. 

This process is done in community, where you are sitting at a table with other people who are just like you.  We are all trying to get clearer on how God has shaped us, and what great things He is directing us toward.  It is based on taking time to look back at your life and create a timeline of people, events and circumstances that have been formative and pivotal.  With the help of a table coach and partnering with various people to work together, you will be surprised at the clarity you can achieve in a short amount of focused attention and time.  The Holy Spirit wants you to know who you are and how He has created you to function and live this life to the fullest.  When you pray and ask God to help you in this process, He answers every time, because it’s part of His will for us to begin to understand these things. 

While every person is vastly different, there are some things that seem to be true of all of us, and Dr. Terry Walling, I and a few others will help you to begin to see what God has been at work doing in your life for years.  We don’t get to a place of clarity alone, and this seminar will help open your eyes to the road of a life to the fullest. 

Consider joining us on Friday evening, September 18th and Saturday 19th during the daytime hours.  You will hear more about Focused Living in the following weeks, but begin to pray about joining us.  If you attended Focused Living and you want to attend again to solidify your understanding of the teaching and work further on your timeline, you are welcome to come as “alumni” for a discounted rate.  I can’t wait to hear your story of how Focused Living helped you live life to the fullest!